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Become a member

Membership fee: As a member you support our work financially with a small membership fee according to your means. You classify your contribution yourself, based on your income, with the minimum contribution being 1 €:

  • 1 € for up to 1,500 € net income/month (12 €/year)
  • 3 € for up to 5,000 € net income/month (36 €/year)
  • 10 € for more than 5.000 € monthly net income/month (120 €/year)

Participation: As a member you will be invited to coordination meetings and are welcome to get involved.

For more information read our → Statues (PDF, German) and → contribution rules (PDF, German)

By the way, you can also become a → company member.

    Yes, I'd like to join of Back-on-Track Germany e.V.:

    * = required data