Constanța – Bârlad – Vaslui – Iași
678 km route distance
Average travel speed of 86 km/h
Greenhouse gas emissions per km by mode of transport
(in gCO2e per passenger)
this night train: 17
bus: 22 (1.3 times as much)
car (1 person): 192 (12 times as much)
plane: 389 (23 times as much)
IRN 1960
- Constanța
22:17 - Bârlad
04:13 - Vaslui
04:59 - Iași
Constanța to Iași
Trip duration 8:03
IRN 1962
- Iași
21:15 - Vaslui
22:33 - Bârlad
23:25 - Constanța
Iași to Constanța
Trip duration 7:44

Night train Constanța – Iași
Take the night train on your next trip to Constanța or Iași!
Have you ever travelled by night train to Constanța or Iași? It's probably the most relaxing, fun, and eco-friendly way to get to your destination. The 678 km long train journey emits approximately 23 times less compared to a flight. Read more on the global warming reduction potential of night trains in our study on the topic.
When travelling with the IRN 1960 + IRN 1962 train, you can choose between the following categories:
- Normal seats: The cheapest option
- Couchette compartment: Simple, shelf-like beds in a cabin shared by usually 4-6 persons
- Sleeping compartment: Soft beds in a cabin typically shared by 1-3 persons, with a washing basin inside (and in some cases even with a private toilet and shower)
Travel by night train in Romania – timetable information
Please always verify timetable information with the operator when booking the train, and also prior to your departure.
IRN 1960 Constanța – Iași
Night train IRN 1960 departs from Constanța at 22:17, and arrives at Iași at 06:20. It has intermediate stops in Bârlad and Vaslui. The total trip duration is 8:03 hours. The train runs daily.
IRN 1962 Iași – Constanța
The return trip, night train IRN 1962, departs from Iași at 21:15, and arrives at Constanța at 04:59. It has intermediate stops in Vaslui and Bârlad. The total trip duration is 7:44 hours. The train runs daily.
Buy tickets for the night train from Constanța to Iași
This night train line is operated by C.F.R. Călători S.A. and you can book tickets on their official website. We also recommend you read our tips and tricks page for booking international train tickets.
Do you find it too difficult to book night train tickets? Is your favourite line often sold out or are tickets way too expensive? You could think there is little to be done about that – but actually this can be solved politically: By improving conditions for both operators and travellers. Learn more on how we get more night trains in our General Position Paper, or join your local Back on Track group right away.