In Belgium, the political world seems to have sized the stakes of recreating an international rail transport from Belgium, with the reintegration of night train services. 6 members of the Belgian House of Representatives have submitted a proposal for a resolution going in that direction.
In order to have an informative hearing about this resolution, the commission for Mobility has invited 4 organisations working in the rail sector : Back on Track, All Rail, Transport and Environment and ÖBB. This audition will occur the 17th of december 2019. This proposal for a resolution asks to the government 3 points :
a) to defend within the European Union a policy of financial support for the development and accessibility of international rail transport,
b) to take any initiative with neighbouring Member States to reduce the cost of train paths at night and to support initiatives in favour of international passenger transport at night.
c) to support within the European Union the generalisation of the DiscoverEu initiative
Back on track Belgium will be heard to give its opinion on this resolution and complete the possibilites for the government to take action in order to help recreating an international night rail network for the benefit of Belgian and European citizens.
>> Read the resolution from the six politicians (French and Dutch)
Bruxelles – Vienna/Munich/Innsbruck is starting this week,
but to create star with conenctions from Bruxelles we need to add following sleeping trains:
go east: Paris-Bruxelles-Berlin-Warsaw/Prague/Copenhagen-Malmo?
go south: Bruxelles-Zurich-Milan/Venezia/Roma
go south-west: Bruxelles-Toulouse-Barcelona/Hendaye-Bilbao-Madrid
I think go south option could be create with cooperation of OBB/SBB so it seems to easiest as they are interested. Trenitalia also is not agains night trains 🙂
was hearing happened?
Yes. And we are going to receive some notes from this meeting soon.