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Renovation of old French couchette fleet

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The French transport minister talked about the night trains this week, and announced that she would give 30 million € to revamp the couchette carriages, in order to keep them running after 2020 ! This is a great victory !

Two months ago, we were told by SNCF that if we did not have this funding by the end of 2018, night trains would have to stop by the end of 2019. And it was not at all granted that the government would give this money !

30 to 60 million € were needed, and 60 millions would have meant a more ambitious renovation (30 millions probably means they will throw away the reclinig seats, and it does not allow for real sleeper cabins). But it is good news anyway, that our government accepts to maintain some night trains and to invest to improve them 🙂

Now I think we have reached the low point for night trains in France : Our minister said she would stop cutting them down, so it means that from now on, it can only improve !

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