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Action Days 16-18 September 2022: Brussels-Malmö Hop on

Back-on-TRack Sweden in action

In the spring of 2021, a feasibility study was announced with great optimism for, among other things, a night train between Malmö in Sweden and Brussels. In the end, “the market” was only interested in operating a night train between Stockholm and Hamburg. Since this news, in September 2021, the idea of a connection to or from Brussels has also remained very quiet.

Map of night trains and 4 flight connections. Comparison: 205 kgCO2e by plane and 15kg CO2e by night train
Proposed night train route Bruxelles-Malmö with potential GHG savings

On this first ‘Tag der Schiene’ and the start of the European Mobility Week, Back-on-Track Europe, Back-on-Track Belgium vzw-asbl and Back-on-Track Germany e.V. are joining forces. Together with other supporters in Denmark and Sweden, we are putting the night train from #Hub4Brussels to Malmö on track, which was announced a few months before the Swedish Presidency and a good year before the Belgian Presidency of the Council of Europe.

Read also the study we carried out to show that night trains can avoid 3% of European GHG emissions!

Photo stream:

Belgian Transport secretary Georges Gilkinet starts the trip with activists from Back-on-Track Belgium
Georges Gilkinet gets a “wake-up call” for overnight train to Sweden from Back-on-Track Belgium
Activists from Back-on-Track Germany in front of the German Ministry of Transport
Back-on-Track in a meeting with German Railway Minister Susanne Henckel and senior ministry officials
Event by Back-on-Track Denmark in København H with Henning Hyllested, MP speaking
Event by Back-on-Track Denmark in København H with Tony Bispekov (DSB) speaking
Public breakfast in Malmö by Swedish activists from Jordens Vänner Malmö-Lund

Media Coverage:

3 thoughts on “Action Days 16-18 September 2022: Brussels-Malmö Hop on”

  1. We are a group of people from 9 different countries in Europe. Seven within EU, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Portugal and Sweden and two outside of EU but within Europe Norway and UK that knits for climate. We knit 1,5 m (15 cm width) in red tones to co-create a Red Line for 1,5° and Paris Agreement. Together we push the “Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty” and demand MEP:s to do the same. We plan a joint action in Brussels on Spetember 25 2024. In order to get there we want to go by train. But without night train it is an exhausting journey from the Scandinavian countries. EU wants active citizens that actually engages in the policies and represent a vivid and engaged democracy where the ordinary citizen can make herself heard. One first step is to make it possible to go to Brussels without using fossil fuels. We want to be part of the solution and the future not part of an old fossil fuel based way of traveling. It’s of great democratic value to make Brussels accessible by train from all of the corners within Europe. Scandinavia needs night trains to go to Brussels. We need access to Brussels to make ourselves heard. Thank you for fighting for night trains!

  2. Just saw the full video of your inaugural run from Berlin to Brussels! Loved it. I live in California and our trains are no match for Europe. I really hope I can travel in a sleeper train in Europe soon! Wonderful to see your enthusiasm and dedication- please keep it up! Thank you.

  3. Pingback: Waking up in Malmö is still a utopia | Back-on-Track

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