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Bring the night trains back on track!

Bring the European night train network back on track!

Dear Ms Vozemberg-Vrionidi, dear Mr. Hoekstra,

Decarbonising aviation needs more than another decade of stalling with alternative fuels. We need a strong alternative on the ground for the short and medium distance. An affordable, comfortable and reliable night train network connecting all of Europe could provide this alternative. Surveys have shown that the vast majority of aviation passengers would accept longer travel times if there was an affordable, comfortable and reliable night train connection on the same route. But the current night train network The European night train network has shrunk to a third of its capacity since the deregulation of air traffic. However, it would need to be increased tenfold to accommodate the passengers willing to change flights. We therefore call on the EU to ensure its coapacity to triple by 2030 and to further increase tenfold by 2040 by removing its various economic disadvantages on the market, be it through track access charges, VAT and energy costs. and through a coordinated tendering process for a European night train network.

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