»Back on Track« conference with the title “Night trains for future – the future of night trains” took place in Hamburg, October 18-20, 2019.
Find most of the introductions on our YouTube channel.
Find a report of the conference here!
Press release available: In English and in German!
Invited speakers were:
Karima Delli, chair of the European Parliament TRAN committee (came too late due to many hours train delays from Paris!); Sven Pöllauer, EU & International Affairs Manager, ÖBB;Nick Brooks, secretary general of ALLRAIL, European private rail operator alliance. See the summary here. Bernhard Knierim (Bahn für Alle); Patrik Nylander, representative for the Swedish government office. See the summary here. Carl Süß (Fridays for Future).

Demonstration to promote the conference and support the Altona station, also for Motor rail trains organized by “Prellbock Altona – Unser Bahnhof bleibt”. See a lot of pictures from all three days in Hamburg.
Activist conference of Back on Track
Saturday and Sunday 19. – 20. 10.2019. Please also take a look at the report.