1.- 12. of October
Our theme was: Fewer planes, more trains
There is a raising awareness of the need of climate friendly transportation. It is clear, that air traffic is destructive to the climate, and it is also clear that trains (at least in Europe) is a major answer to a transition. We have a good chance to mobilize and to reach the public and the press by making coordinated actions for trains and night trains during this period.
The Action week was taking place coordinated with the network “Stay Grounded”.
>> See the report from the meeting in Vienna!
Vienna, Sunday 14.10.: 16.30-18.00: (Back-on-Track and Stay Grounded together) Photo action as conclusion on the meeting in Vienna. Venue: Join us from the conference place WUK.
Copenhagen, Denmark. 4.10. Public meeting about Climate, Aviation and Trains. See here. Also handing over up to 25.000 signatures on demand of night trains to Scandinavia.
Copenhagen, Denmark. 6.10. Street action in front of travel agency to enligten about the possibilities to avoid so much flying.
Aarhus, Denmark. 6.10. Street action about flying and night trains.
Tarbes 30/9 : workshop at 11:30, group photo at 16:00, and presentation all day long at the Alternatiba meeting, in front of the city hall.
Besançon 5/10 : group photo at 17:30 in front of Viotte train station
Bayonne 7/10 : presentation all day long at the Alternatiba meeting, and group photo at 15:00 somewhere
Cerbère 1/10 or 8/10 at 17:00. Please contact ouiautraindenuit{at}laposte.net for informations
Pau 13/10 at 11:30 in train station
Paris 13/10 : presentation during the March for Climate at Republique square in the afternoon + group picture on 14/10 at 18:00
Strasbourg 25/10 around midday in train station
Toulouse : Wednesday 3/10 at 20:30 at the train station
and maybe other actions in Narbonne, Perpignan, Pau. The updated list of actions can be found on www.ouiautraindenuit.wordpress.com/agenda
From the meeting in Copenhagen 4.10. More people than seats. Very engaged introductions and lively debate.
Activists at a Metro station in front of one of the few remaining travel shops in Copenhagen 6.10. Banner with a funny change of the travel agency’s own slogan, people cast their vote to fly less or more (the majority voted fortunately “less”).