A protest action against the decision to close down DB/CNL night- and autotrains in/from Germany is taking place when the Supervisory Board is seated to discuss this controversial issue.
Venue: Wednesday, 16th. of December 2015 from 10: 00 in front of the DB Tower, Potsdamer Platz.
Everyone are mostly welcome, both those representing organizations, NGOs, initiatives
and all individuals!
With this action we are going to put maximal pressure on all representatives on the Supervisory Board.
Thursday 10.12.2015 there was a meeting of BACK-ON-TRACK in Paris, with representatives from Sweden, France, Italy and Germany. We decided to continue our campaign against the horrible decision of the DB, as well as other threads toward international and national long distance trains with other European railways. We are dedicated to fight for a modern night and long distance railway network in Europe.
Friday 11.12. 2015 there was a small stand in an NGO-Hall in Paris with information, flyers and online protest to the head of Deutsche Bahn and to DB Supervisory Board members.