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Save the German overnight sleeper and motorail trains!

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We have fixed a date for handing over the petition to the politicians. It will be in Berlin on Tuesday, May 31st, 12:30 hrs at Paul-Löbe-Haus, entrance west (towards Kanzleramt building). This site is five minutes from Berlin Central station.

It will take place inside the building. Thus, all persons interested in being present there, have to pass the security check. No Swiss knives, no large sticks (for banners) or other critical items. And you have to notify Joachim including date of birth (no address needed) so that he can forward the list of participants to the office by May 25th. Only these persons will be allowed to enter the building.
Of course, we will need other persons too, who remain outside and guard the items which are not allowed inside. If by chance some slogans like »Save the night trains« will be visible until the return of the delegation.
Due to the duration of the security checks, I recommend to all who can arrive early: please show up before 12! From 11:30 on, some friends of the night trains will be in front of the entrance.

Looking forward to see you!

This is the message, that more than 13.800 people has supported:

Alexander Dobrindt, German minister of transport, and
Martin Burkert, chairperson of the transport committee of the German federal parliament

Dear Sirs,
I ask you as representatives of the owner of Deutsche Bahn – the German citizens – to act now to prevent withdrawal of DB’s night and motorail trains.

Why is this important?

Deutsche Bahn AG wants to discontinue all overnight and motorail trains with sleeping, couchette and seated cars by the end of 2016, at the latest. They will be replaced by seats-only ICE or IC trains and buses travelling overnight without any suitable sleeping accommodation.

This would mean an unacceptable cutback of service and a gap in the European transport offer:

By taking overnight sleeper trains for journeys such as Hamburg-Zurich or Amsterdam-Munich, people gain the day for work or leisure, making low-carbon train travel a practical and time-effective alternative to flying. On longer routes like Copenhagen-Lyon or Berlin-Rome, sleeper trains save passengers from having to stop and spend the night in a hotel.

If sleeper and motorail trains are discontinued, more traffic will hit the roads and there would be more short-haul flights, in direct opposition to the obligations of the Paris Climate Summit of 2015 and the self-declared climate protection goals of Deutsche Bahn AG.

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