Live Discussion on November 20th, 2024 at 17:00 CET
With Tilly Metz MEP,
followed by Q&A with Kurt Bauer and Elmer van Buuren.
Short notice track works and lacking international coordination have recently been the reason for many night train lines to be temporarily suspended. The EU aims to tackle this by imposing a track works coordination structure on network operators. Which structure did they have in mind? Will this solve the problem?

Our Live Discussion was well attended with approx. 40 participants form 12 different countries on the day succeeding the first Trilogue hearing. The Trilogie is the final discussion of the proposal involving the three parties involved: Parliament, Commission and Council.

Tilly Metz, MEP, is a member of the Greens/EFA group and has been appointed rapporteur for the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism.
(Photo: CC-BY European Union)
Kurt Bauer, is head of the long-distance passenger transport unit of the state owned Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), the largest operator of night trains in central Europe.
Elmer von Buuren, is co-fourder of European Sleeper coöperatie, a Belgian/Dutch a privately owned night train operator.
In the first half an hour, Ellie Cijvat (Back-on-Track Sweden) and Juri Maier (Back-on-Track Germany) asked Tilly a couple of questions, so we could better understand the legislation proposal, the interests involved and catch up with the discussion. In the second half the floor was be open for questions, first round was to the two attending railway representatives. We discussed under Chatham House rule, so no citations and no video will be available.
More info on this issue:
Use of railway infrastructure capacity in the single European railway area, amending Directive 2012/34/EU and repealing Regulation (EU) No 913/2010
Briefing Paper by the EP:
Draft Regulation 2023/0271, PDF in English (other languages), scroll to p. 19 for the actual act:
Legistlative footprint: